There is this argument going on about bare earth gardening. Most people remove the weeds, leaves and grass cuttings when they garden. There is a man who uses the bible to garden. He thinks you should use wood-chips, leaves and compost. Check it out on you tube...
Last year we noticed a decrease in bees, butterflies and hummingbirds in our garden. I read an article where the natural plants and habitats were vanishing because people wanted lawns and often chose flowers that were hybridized to the point that the insects and birds could not access the nectar. Pesticides were wrecking havoc on our environment, So this year our yard is less lawn and more natural plants and I am using insecticidal soaps, and picking bugs off instead of being spray happy. Yes Weeds! Violets, milkweed, dandelions and clover now riddle our yard to the dismay of several neighbors. We decided not to mow as often. It's only been a few short weeks of spring and we have seen more butterflies and bees. Although I have yet to see the hummingbirds returning to my garden.
I've stopped being neurotic about raking leaves and started putting them over areas I want to make into flower beds. There is now a pile of wood-chips composting on the side of the house and we are composting more and more. Weeding is still one of my daily habits but I am merely keeping them from over running my flowers and it really doesn't look that bad. Take a look...