There are times when you feel close to God and the world. More and more I am finding those moments in the garden. I sit down beside the newly opened flowers,vegitables and trees and marvel at it. My garden was the concept of the family that owned the house before we bought it. They built it, loved it, planted the azeala bushes, the hydreangeas and lovely little pink things I've yet to figure out. I feel as if I inherited heaven.
Mind you I didn't like the house at first. It was old fashioned and our realtor was showing us these beautiful new houses with huge kitchens tiny yards. The magic didn't happen until we had heart broken by the house we really wanted and the bank not even looking at our offer. It was around the corner. So we decided to look at this tiny little 1950's house again. This time we walked into the back yard. There was this white swing and these tall bushy hostas a few blooming flowers the bones of a past garden. We sat down in the swing and rocked back and forth as it started to grow dark. I realized I could love this house. It was fall when we moved in. I could not wait for spring to see what was in that tiny garden. Come Christmas we took the artificial tree to Goodwill and bought our first real tree together. Strung lights took pictures from outside and inside. It was like everything was waiting.
In march we were moving the leaves and branches from the corner of the yard and there were iris just poking out of the ground.
In april the bushes started filling in. Like a small sigh when everything started blooming. I realized I was learning a lesson with this house. A jewel doesn't always show it's self immediately. Sometimes it comes to shine from the work you put into it. From the love that once was. Somthings last forever, some things are reborn and some vanish from us leaving only a memeory. Love is the only thing eternal. I never met the people who owned my house. I'm told most of them had passed away,the daughter was living far away. I find things like flower vases in the basement old metal arbor buried in the ground. I can tell you this house was full of love and is full of love now. This gift of love from a God that knew my heart. He put my husband in my path and now this house. There are no accidents...all planned and good or bad with lessons attached. I look around and I know. He's alive!
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