From the beginning: 

This handsome guy is my husband showing off our began in a one gallon plastic potthe babies at his feet are our next great hopes.
Purple blazing star is a native plant that I have never even seen!
Deep red gladiolas
Looking down from the drive way...
my first garden by the bedroom window has lilacs and gardenia so when the window is open you smell heaven!
Roses in the foreground hosta in the background...
light and shadows
morning glories attack! Light purple are native petunias!
the "fence" was hit by a semi-truck...yes I said semi! This is part of what's left!
Dragon's wing rose! Stained glass looking thorns
Humidity and sunlight made this shot.
My 6 buck decoration...a plastic lion sprayed with stone spray paint a 3dollar creeping jenny and a "free" grass spike!
Dollar store Gladiola!
Now that ground isn't so empty...less to mow!