I'm a fan of garden books, videos articles and any thing that leads me to a healthier better plant naturally. ( No chemicals, no gene splice.) While I like science and enjoy advances I think some of this is "Look what I can do! and not.. Should I do this?" Few think what are the repercussions and study enough to know what can change and alter. I'm not going to preach about nature and bees some discoveries are wonderful but one can be our destruction too. In the end it should not be about money or glory. I just want people to think before they run out and buy stuff that is going to expose their kids to God knows what. My apples may have spots on them or a worm but I know if I bite into it there is an apple not a sliced in scorpion or a chemical that was developed out of some war toy.
I started growing veggies because I found the flavors so amazing. I kept growing them as I found out what people put into plants and on them.
There was a program called Fork to Fork that was about what fresh is and how it tastes. The first experience was asparagus I grew in my garden. We waited two years before we could taste it. The first bite was right out of the garden and we marveled over the taste nothing like whats in the store. The store version was pale washed out and flavorless...now when we are forced to buy asparagus we lament over it like a poor dead thing.

Supermarket food for all its publicized fresh glory is not that fresh. Frozen can be close but it's still processed. Picked and taken to a plant loses precious time and freshness. By the time they get it to a plant that sharp edge of fresh is gone. So if you grow your own you can pick it and freeze it in moments...but unless you have copious amounts I doubt it gets as far as the freezer before hitting that mouth. Food is something we can not live with out. It is something that affects your health. It is something we should spend more time on and with. In the past everyone had a small garden. I think we should get back to that. From a small patio to a huge local farm the focus should be fresh. I hope to inspire people to plant something! If you do a pot or actually plant in the ground. You create something wonderful and all your own! It not only relieves stress but fills you with a sense of accomplishment.
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