Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Using plants for security.

There are several things you can do to make your home more secure. After all the alarm systems and movement detectors are up you can make your home less desirable to thieves. Most thieves are opportunists deny them the opportunity.
Choose plants that have thorns or spines such as spiny cactus, hollies, agave,  yuccas, citrus trees, rose bushes, or thorny vines such as blackberry vines or pyracantha. I have been growing climbing rose bushes around my back windows and as a living fence. We have planted cactus to discourage people from taking short cuts through the yard. It looks very pretty while at the same time providing passive security. I don't have to complain to neighbors and they never know there was a problem. Plant a nice thorny plant in places where someone could hide! Put a big potted plant under a window on the porch! Let it spill over and be hard to move! If you have a window close to the ground plant a lovely sunny yellow rose bush! I guarantee that someone will think twice before taking that climb on and at the same time you make your home brighter and friendly to people that want to use the front door.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Gardening is not for the faint of heart!

The first photo is of a snail damaged iris eaten away before it could bloom. Gardening is not for the faint of heart but those of us who love flowers and fresh veggies soldier on.
If you chose to not use pesticides there is the everlasting battle with those bugs that want to eat your hard work. Slugs, snails, aphids, mites, grubs amongst the few. You find yourself standing in your garden in the middle of the night with a bucket of soapy water catching snails and slugs with a flashlight. Pulling weeds every time you walk down a path because you always spot one you missed.
You see a "pod" of aphids and crushing them with your bare hands because you think they'll get away  or spread while you go mix hand-made bug spray.  You make your own bug spray because you don't trust companies to be environmental friendly or honest about it. You love bees (even if your allergic to them) and go the extra length to make sure they have everything they need. You attend seminars, lectures, garden clubs. Gardeners plant victory gardens share their extras, save seeds and do hunt down heirloom seeds. They drive by gardens, stop and ask questions or answer questions when people stop and ask. You usually see them bent over pulling weeds or hoe in hand hunting down weeds.  I gave up a battle with wild geranium and creeping Jenny...I have learned to hate grass... crave brick paths, raised beds and fruit trees. I dream of the day when I have my garden complete and can wear those white dresses in summer. I would wander beds of flowers and a meadow of my own making. Truth be it I'll probably be standing in the middle of that riot of color and scent with a bucket of soapy water hunting down weeds and snails.  White dresses don't work for that. I'd wear my ugly army green holey tee shirt, multi-pocketed shorts stuffed with my extra sharp pocket knife, roll of twine and I will be in heaven!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cottage garden ideas, favorite places on Pinterest

Cottage garden ideas, favorite places on Pinterest:

The last few days after the rain have been beautiful and a little cool in the mornings and evenings.  I just spent the better part of two mornings being the "snail girl!" Cup of water with a few drops of dawn dish liquid in it and a popsicle! Picking them off one by slimy one and drowning the greedy little snail/ slug before they get big and breed! Hoping I don't have to use a pesticide on them. I Epsom salted the ground around my plants (Which I'm told is also good for the plants)and will continue to do snail duty until I see a decline in them! In fact when I came in last night I sat down to look at the pictures and two hours later found one on my pants leg! J insisted the snail was stalking me looking for revenge. It just took it 2 hours to get half way up my leg given a couple days it would of been at my throat if I had not caught it!
I posted my pinterest board so you can look at a few of my flowers and several more posts I use for ideas. and if you do find your way here to my blog. Let me know! I keep this as a journal for those days when spring and summer are over with. Of course I save a few pics for only you! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Coffee can worm farm

Coffee can worm farm: I use a coffee can to collect my grounds and teabags for  composting. I find the tight fitting lid prevents odors and spills. I know coffee grounds also will keep away snails so I wanted to keep them separate from my other vegetable matter. I change it two to three times before a new can replaces it and the old can goes out to surround my hostas and tender plants. I started turning them over so the liquids can seep out. Less nastiness as I spread the grounds around the plants! Next thing I know I have tons of earthworms I thought how perfect for someone that can't have a huge compost bin in their yard! It's easily hidden too!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Recycle reuse for your garden!

Coffee can herb garden...I like to start my garden a soon as possible but that also means that there is a chance of frost so I make everything portable. I also like to recycle things. I save coffee cans, oatmeal canisters, plastic take out food containers to start seeds. The coffee containers are the cardboard ones they are heavily coated and really do stand up to weather well. I use them for my worm farms too...another post. I drill a couple holes in the bottom and add either rock or a coffee liner I put the lid on the bottom  and then fill it up with composted garden soil. You can paint them if you like but I like my cans to show what was in them. I have a whole crop herbs scattered around where every there is room. If you use a metal can and like the label spray it with a clear acrylic spray paint or it'll wash away. I love the look of Andy Warhol soup cans with basil and thyme in them!

Being Inventive!

Ok spent yesterday running around covering stuff...April 16 and we have a cold spell! The freeze was beautiful ice crystals across the bright new green grass. I ran around uncovering things this morning so they can catch the light and gather some warmth to make it through another not as cold night. 31* is very bad and it'll be just as cold tonight! Last summer my sisters bought these plastic light covers. We put solar lights in them and they were beautiful. and then during the winter we stacked them up and put them away. Well I took them out and hadn't had time to set them up when this cold wave was predicted. So I used them to cover my plants! I love things with multiple purposes! The tops have holes where the light fixture fits so I covered them with a plant dish and added a brick to keep it steady in the high winds! Instant Cloche and yard sale cheap! Inside are my coffee can herbs! I keep old sheets and things for emergency too. I checked on my sheet covered strawberries and guess what frozen solid but the tender herbs in the "cloche" are fine! Lessons learned!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

soil test update!

 No need to buy a pricey soil testing kit when you can easily do it yourself. Scoop some soil into a container. Add a half cup of vinegar. If the soil bubbles or fizzles, it is alkaline. If there's no reaction, scoop up some more soil into a second container. Add a half cup of water and stir. Then add a half cup of baking soda. If the soil bubbles or fizzles it's acidic. If you want a precise pH measure, contact your local university extension office or watch the newspapers. Nurseries will sometimes run promotions with free soil testing!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Seeds, Plants and Lore

 I'm pouring through seed catalogs again, haunting garden centers and finding people who sell plants from their garden. I know I want it to be as beautiful as it is productive. I started reading about victory gardens from World War 2. The gardens were especially effective because resources were saved for our troops. People were rationed salt, sugar and meat but they used their gardens to feed themselves and their souls. Gardens were full of flowers and vegetables. I think a little of that pluck is called for now. We need to focus on making ourselves self-sufficient. Also in this modern world a garden can provide solace for a weary soul and provide a way to tame stress. I often imagine my self plucking weeds with faces on them! At the end I feel better and that person still lives so they've had a good day. Gardening is something that you develop a passion for. You see planters in all sorts of items you come across and find yourself bravely walking up to someone with a plant that interests you and striking up conversations! Gardeners love to talk and sometimes you come away with not only knowledge but a friend for life and a few plants. My favorite saying comes from my grandmother a little garden superstition. Never thank a person for a plant. It will die. Instead tell them thank you for being my friend. Nature soothes and just sitting in your garden is good for you. Be warned though once it becomes a passion you'll sit til you get an idea and then you are off again.
Today's garden catalog...Rogue Valley Roses! We got ours three years ago and last winter Semi truck slid down the hill and knocked down two of them. The other roses were destroyed.  As we were cleaning up the mess in the shrapnel of crushed and destroyed flowers were sprigs of rose buds. Not my big three year old plants but it gave me heart that I would see white and red blooms again someday! They ship bare root and they are so healthy!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Let's talk dirty!

     One of the most important things...let's begin again...The most important thing in your garden is the sun second, is the soil. After spending years in apartments with pots and arranging them to catch the best sun having a  real garden plot surprised me. I now have an honest to goodness garden. One that someone started for me. Now I have to add my personality to it I am stunned! So I went to the books and PC to study. Things that worked for me at the apartment died in the garden. So I went back to basics:
*Pick a sunny spot on the gets good long term sunlight. Most plants can squeak by with 6 hours of sun during the summer. If you are growing most plants that's what you need for a healthy plant. Look at the seed packets they will have a  bright yellow sun symbol. Those are full sun. If it has a sun with half of it blacked out...those are shade plants. Pay attention to the seed packets they will tell you what the seeds need...
     * Soil: I suggest you get your soil tested. Most states offer soil testing for a small fee but you can buy a test kit anywhere including Wal-Mart. Good dirt is like gold! Rich dark loamy soil that gives your plants what it needs. Well most people are not that lucky. You will either have sandy soil which will dry your plants out leeches away the minerals fast or clay soil which will cling to the roots and smother them to death. What you want is loose dark soil not too acid no too base. Sometimes nature does not give you a choice and you have to work with it.
    * Preparing the can buy organic composted soil or you can cheap out like I do and make it. I save all the vegetable matter leaves grass clippings, carrot ends, soggy gross lettuce bits. I actually have a waste bowl that I drop the bits and pieces in and that goes into my compost. Do you brew your own coffee in the morning? Add the grounds to the waste bowl! Coffee keeps the odor down by end of week you have a large coffee can full! Now take them outside preferably where you want to plant your garden you have your first compost! Flip the can over and empty it's contents.  You can buy a composter but where's the fun in that?! There are several great links for building them. Now if your not happy with just your own waste steal your neighbors that they are so nice to bag up and leave for the trashmen!  I am dropping the links for several good videos on gardening! Here you go get inspired!!!